It seems these days almost everyone has a friend or family member who has a connection to substance use, or housing instability for one reason or another. And with inflation hitting record highs, the greatest impact falls on those who are already the most vulnerable in our society.

Jen has had an extensive career in corporate and real estate finance. But she also has a strong heart calling to serve others. She spend more then 10 years as a Foster Parent, with her husband and 2 biological children and had more than 40 children placed in her home.

Seeing the impact that Substance Use Disorder had with the biological parents, the teens and kids involved in the foster system, Jen saw the disparity in supports provided to families before apprehension versus what she received as a foster parent. 

With a true belief that resources need to be shifted to help keep biological families strong, safe and supported Grace Prosper Housing Foundation was formed to provide supports and services at every stage of life to the six types of people that struggle with SUD:

  1. Sons
  2. Daughters
  3. Sisters
  4. Brothers
  5. Moms and
  6. Dads


Feel Safe

Having a consistent roof over your head and being surrounded by like-minded group of peers means you’ll feel more safe. With a team of housemates and a house manager backing you, you’ll be confident to continue on the next step of your journey

Know Stability

Without stability, there can be no prosperity

More Support

To Recover effectively, isolation simply doesn’t work. Every come back story needs a place to start. Let’s face it, getting back on your feet again is hard. This is why we’re ready to help and connect our residents with resources for Recovery Assistance, Financial Resources, Job Training, and Life Skills.

Recovery Assistance

Whether it’s recovering from addiction, abuse or trauma, we guide you to the resources you need.

Financial Resources

Most of our residents have never been taught how to manage their money. We’re here to help.

Job Search Training

Finding a job can be tough, but doing it without a strong resume and interview skills is nearly impossible.

Building Life Skills

Putting things together takes new and better life skills. Our home will help with that.
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